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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 有谁能系统地总结一下在加拿大作为第一次买房有什么税务上的优惠政策?如何操作?我把我知道的列出来,不知有没有错误或遗漏,请指正!
    1.买新建的楼房(直接和发展商买),可免交Lan transfer tax, up to $2000
    2.买新建的楼房(直接和发展商买),可得GST rebate, 据说一般的builder以计算了rebate后价格卖给buyer,所以一般不需要再考虑rebate的问题。
    3.买resal home则没有上面两项优惠。 但不知道有没有其他的政策。
    • If you are a first time home buyer...
      You are eligible for:

      1. Home Buyers Plan (use RRSP for down payment). See:

      2. Your down payment can be as low as 5%. Down side is that you need to pay for certain insurance (can't remember the name). The more down payment you put in, the less the amount of insurance. The insurance will be included in your mortgage.
    • Ontario House Owernership Saving Plan, I have posted before about this. Call your bank representative for details.
      • RRSP Home Buyer's Plan, use Schedule 7 on your tax return
    • 最新补充关于首次买房的税务优惠:
      安省有一个Onteriao Home Owner Saving Plan (OHOSP),到你的银行问一下,为你自己开立一个这样的储蓄帐户,每年存入2000元,到每年报税时可得up to 500元的income tax credit, up to 5 年!到买房时即可把账户上的钱取出来。
    • 多谢,多谢!我的结论就是:我要买新楼。
      • 是呀,我也在这末想,至多3-5年的,再旧的就让别人抢去吧.