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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 说正劲的, 潘中原的母亲正在买大连到toronto的机票, 大陆的同志们请帮助一下, 能同来的最好
    • 不是日航就是韩航,日航可能再东京住一夜。
      • 应该是大韩航空,汉城到TORONTO,8:00 --10:00PM,瘦猪,我说一点故你懂吗?“豪猪取暖”
        • 不懂, 那不是成语, Korean Air is hard to find during this season, Pan's mother can't handle too much hassle,
          • 这个典故被毛泽东用过,评价国际时事。看样她只能飞日航了。
            • 请教豪猪取暖的原意
    • 尽量买八月中旬的,潘妈妈的签证八月二十三好到期.多伦多大韩航空没戏,AIR CHINA只能定到八月八号的.后面的没有.请国内的朋友帮忙定个机位.潘妈妈的名字是YANG, XINGCHENG.
    • Is Pan's Mum coming here?
      I might miss some news. I am confused. How come Pan's mum can come to Canada now? Has she recovered from the apoplexy? Is it good for her to come here?
      • I spoke to the hospital's debt department a bit, found out that apoplexies are not covered by any insurance plans, even if they do, it would cost 2200 a day
        A 15G coverage would run out in a week, so I told the Pans that the mother's not coming, simple as that, forget about the validity of her visa, she ain't coming.
    • 我今天下午去看小潘,他说考虑到她母亲的健康状况不是很好,暂时不来了。