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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 昨天狠狠心花了6.97(税前)在Walmart买了一个耳机,嘿嘿,已经是最便宜的一款了,用来听MP3,相比用计算机的破音箱,简直是天籁之声,顿觉幸福得一塌湖涂,好心情与大家分享!
    • Hey Hey, why didn't you tell me, I just bough a ShockWave, and thinking of selling my old Sony
    • 佩服!花这么一大笔银子,你的心真够狠的!
    • Money knows what's good. I had a $1 and a $10 earphones. The difference was so large that the $1 earphone had been a waste of money! The best sound I've ever met was BOSE (~$1000).
      • Hey I got a Sony Pro152HY, purchased last year, 230, 'muffed style, Sheep skin, want to check it out? It's a bit sore on the ears though
    • 当心你的听力系统.