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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 过去,最近或准备从美国搬回加国的朋友请进, 税物问题。
    在美国以TN工作了几年, 现在要搬回加拿大。 这几年税务上不算加拿大resident. 请问前两年在美国买的股票带回加拿大,以后再卖的话,是不是还要给IRS交税,还有只交CCRA的税? (美国的税可一点不低,尤其是Capital gain tax可真高,TNND).
    • Where do you plan to sell your stocks? think about who has a record of you owning the stocks
      • 美国买的,准备搬回加拿大再卖。 因为现在卖的话赔钱太多, 所以还想hold一两年。 卖的时候肯定在加国settle down了, 不会再去美国。 多谢。
        • CCRA would have a T5008 slip from the Stocks' Seller for your release of the stock, watch out for that, IRS has no record.
          • 多谢。 那是不是回加后把股票先从美国的broker转到加拿大的broker再卖?
            • wait a minute, which broker are you using in the US?
              • Datek, TD Waterhouse for regular account; Fidelity, Vangard for IRA. Thank you!
                • Sell your stocks with TD Waterhouse, and make sure you report a high purchase price to CCRA, that will have a 5008, don't touch your IRAs yet, I assume they are in mutual funds?
                  • 非常感谢!
    • are u going to import your current car? how to calculate the amount u got to pay canada customs?
      • 还没决定是否把车运回来。因为里程表是英里为主,以后可能没法trade in. 还有是同样牌子型号的新车加国造的质量要好过美国造的,也更便宜。