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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请教虫虫(wormcc)及回答的guest朋友,如何在多伦多用已有的驾照更换临时驾照?望指点迷津,本人急等驾照用。多谢!多谢!
    • Go to 900 Bay Street, the provincial government. There's a MTO(Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) office.
      • 再请教guest 朋友:我的国内驾照是四月份拿的,这样能换临时驾照吗?临时驾照是否相当与G2?多谢!
        • No way. They only accept driver's licence of at least 2 year old.
      • I just heard it from my friend's friend. And the same question as kevin's. Who can answer it? Thanks in advance.