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  • 工作学习 / English / 请问各位朋友,用英语怎么表达‘敬业精神’,和医生的‘职业道德’或相关意思?谢谢。
    • Ethics, Medical Ethics, Business Ethics, Professional Ethical standards
      • 十分感谢!举个例子行吗?比如‘医生A 比 医生B 更具有敬业精神’。
        • Your sentence is logically at fault, You can't say that a physician is better than another, if you are a doctor, by default you are a qualified professional in every aspect of the trade including ethics
          You can construct a sentence as follow:

          Derek tells me that medical ethics are rather strict when compare to business ethical practices

          again, it's unprofessional to mention that I am a better Accountant than my collegues even though the reality might be so
          • What a professional answer!
            • But the answer could be further improved if SlimPiggy goes to US according to some people. :-P
              • 美國新移民/華人的英語程度一定比我好, 本豬慚愧呀
                • 早知如此,本MM就去美国呆一呆,也让瘦猪惭愧+佩服一把.
                  • He did not say that US builds people a good English.
          • Thank you. If the comparison is among doctors…if I really think Dr. Preston is preferable to Dr. Kelly in terms of responsibility, courtesies, or whatever aspect except the medical skill,
            how to say this? In other words, is the professional skill the only ground on which we judge a doctor, assuming doctors all got medical ethics as a criteria to be in the industry?
            • I went to school with a two guys who later became optometrists therefore I think my word have some merit when it comes to medical ethics. I do think the key is Not to Compare,
              Dr. Kelly is a good physician reputation-wise It's inappropriate to indicate one is inferior to the other.
              • Yes, Pig is making a very good point here. You can only say one is more experienced than another and that is the difference between a senior profession and junior one. But
                you are not supposed to differentiate between two professionals on a same level. Professionalism is something hard to understand unless youself become a professional.
              • Thanks but I do shop for good doctors :) therefore I do compare.
                • It's Human nature
    • 敬业精神- commitment ?
    • professionalism