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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 急问,我今天要交表,发现按照北京的介绍,自我评分中的Arranged emplorment/Designated Occupation一项, 如果ETF超过11分,那么可以给自己10分,是否正确?如果这样,我就有82分
    • 最终的分数要由移民官来打,自己打了不算数。另外很少有人能真正得到arranged employment的分数,加国雇主的正式雇佣证明没什么用,要加国劳动部门的证明才有用,你得到加国劳动部门的证明了?!
    • 我的资料里怎么没有这一项?我也快交表了!请问你是哪个表要填这些内容?急!
      • 这一项是指,你已经在加找到工作了就可以加分。但一般是没有的。再说,这个分是领馆打的。
        • 我是北京递表,ETF17,Occupational factor 5.
          There is a sentence in the guidline from Beijing. "If your ETF is equal to or greater than 11, you may give your self 10points for the Occupation. However, if your ETF is less than 11, use the figure specified on the general Occupation list" .So I think I should have 10 points for the Occupation, not 5 poins. Is it right? but one of my friends said I should give myself 5 points. Is it different between HK and BJ?
          • CheckList

            Can you tell me where can I download the latest PDF forms and checklist?

            Thanks in advance
            • you want IMM0008 and check list for bj or hk?