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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位前辈们:我想买一台笔记本,在加拿大买的话,cpu:p300,内存:64m,硬盘:4.3g,12.1或13.3的显示屏,这样等级的笔记本电脑大约需要多少钱?
    • Arround $2500 CAD.
      • 请问sailor:$2500 CAD是否含税?笔记本电脑主要有那些品牌?类似配置台式机多少钱?谢谢!
        • Why not check the on-line shopping site? Dell must be expensive but others should be cheaper. i like IBM better. Or, an ultra-thin Dell -- very fashinable.
          • 谢谢恭喜,能否告诉我一些网址?
            • Try www.dell.com for brand PC. or go to Yahoo Shopping (under yahoo.com) then searching 'laptop'...enjoy the hunting.. i love laptop,2.