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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 烦请老移民前辈帮帮我看看Resume是否合适。感激不尽。也望能和大家交个朋友。地址和电话在正文中。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛dearjeff@hotmail.com
    Home (905)470-9861


    ---- Objective ----

    Position as a programmer or related position which offers key participation,
    immediate challenges, and a career opportunity. Skilled at building Thin-
    client/Application Server/Database Server model or Client/Server model database

    ---- Highlights of Experience ----

    Operate System:
    AIX, HP_UX, SCO UNIX, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 9X.


    Developing Tools:
    IBM VisualAge for Java, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, Notes,
    BusinessObjects, TUXEDO, OpenTP, UniBridge, ERWin, PowerDesigner, Microsoft

    INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server, Domino/Notes.

    ---- Experience ----

    -- September 1999 to April 2001
    Cinda Asset Management Corporation Xi'an Branch, Xi'an, China
    System Administrator

    1. Designed, coded and tested new database interface for accounting program
    according to business alteration with INFORMIX ESQL/C. Evaluated and
    implemented database SPL and Triggers which significantly increased
    accounting reports module performance and data integrality.
    2. Also involved in backuping database, maintaining network environment,
    administrating users' account, updating O.S. and applications, training

    -- July 1999 to August 1999
    Nantian Information System Corporation, Beijing, China
    Technical Team Leader

    1. Transplanted the programs running in web server and database server of
    individual loan application system from SCO UNIX environment to IBM AIX
    environment and transplanted the network communication module from
    Nantian OpenTP to BEA TUXEDO. Optimized communication interface in
    client-side Java module by utilizing multi-threads with IBM VisualAge for
    java. Optimized session management program in web server.

    -- October 1997 to June 1999
    Nantian Information System Corporation, Beijing, China
    Senior Programmer

    1. Involved in designing, coding, and testing individual loan management
    system, which has architecture of thin-client/application server/database
    server, for China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch from October 1998 to
    June 1999. Designed database structure with PowerDesigner. Implemented
    accounting reports auto-produce and auto-refreshing with BusinessObjects
    Script and Visual C++, which can significantly decrease workload of
    accountant. Designed and coded partial application server program with C
    language and client GUI program in Java applet.
    2. Involved in developing Loan MIS system for China Construction Bank from
    October 1997 to September 1998. Joined in the designing of Data
    Warehouse. Implemented the master-warehouse and the change-warehouse
    of Data Warehouse Architecture in INFORMIX-Online Dynamic
    Server. Finished the design of Data Warehouse UNIVERSITY and DSS
    analysis reports with BusinessObjects. Designed and implemented the
    architecture of Data Extraction module with SPL and Triggers.

    -- March 1996 to September 1997
    Nantian Information System Corporation, Beijing, China
    Junior Programmer

    1. Involved in developing Account and Save system for Everbright Bank of China
    from March 1997 to September 1997. Designed and implemented the whole
    accounting reports module with INFORMIX 4GL. Tested and maintained the
    entity and reference integrality of primary database tables.
    2. Worked in the project of the Save System of Dongguan Post Office from
    November 1996 to February 1997. Designed and optimized the save business
    transaction programs with INFORMIX ESQL/C and Nantian OpenTP.
    3. Attended to develop the project of Financial Application System of Fuzhou
    Civic Cooperative Bank from March 1996 to October 1996. Designed and
    completed a Reports Auto-builder Tool, which is based on Character UI and
    can customize and produce reports easily, with C language and INFORMIX

    ---- Education ----

    September 1992 to July 1996
    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
    B.S., Computer Science
    Obtain the first class scholarship.

    ---- Certifications ----

    APC, American Power Conversion Certificated Technician.
    MCP, Microsoft Certificated Professional.
    MCSE 2000, Microsoft Certificated System Engineer for Windows 2000.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Too long my man
      • piggy, I think it's ok.
      • 瘦猪,你怎么老是在网上啊,每次进来,总能看见你的足迹
        • 您说的对, 确实是问题, 潘中原的事教育我们不要用电脑
          • why?
    • another guy from ccb xinda. hehe.
    • get rid of VAGUE words "position which offers key participation, immediate challenges, and a career opportunity".
    • Niantian guy? How about Gao Bo and Zeng Shuo?
      • what is 'Niantian'?
        • sorry, incorrect type: Nantian
      • Before I quit from Nantian, both of them stayed in Nantian. Now, I just know Zeng Shuo has quit from Nantian.
        My friend, would you like telling me who are you. Maybe we know each other. Thanks.
        • 关于你简历的一点意见
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛总的感觉工作经验不少,但写的不行。


          你究竟要申请什么职位?System administrator? Team leader? Programmer? 从简历上看不出来,也是你的简历看起来比较乱的原因。

          建议干脆准备三份简历:System administrator;Programmer; Informix DBA;(如果你有兴趣去做的话);

          去掉Team Leader 的字眼,改成key programmer,如果你的英文没有好到管理一个10-20人而且大部份是老外的Team的话。


          去借点书,或者直接在YAHOO上搜索,总之找点好例子,好好改一改,先别忙着到处乱发。做什么位置,围绕什么写,总之,上面提的三种简历要三个样。包括:position, main responsibility, and so on.



          你用过的所有OS, Database, language,写上所有用过的版本号;


          九月份是找工小高潮,你的时间不多了,汪激昂的建议有道理,找几家job search training上一下,可以请那里的老师帮你改简历,不过最好是在自己痛下功夫改过之后,因为他们也毕竟是技术的门外汉。

          然后,如果能够找到象汪激昂、Eglinton这两位大哥大替你看一下,当然最好,不过,据说请这二位看简历的人已排了二里地了,你不一定有戏,hahaha, anyway, 南天出来的不止你一个吧,似乎有个在北电的,总之,请点高手指点一下还是有好处的。不过,千万别把这份mail 过去。




          顺便说一下,你做过的一个项目恰恰是我在国内接触到的最后一个,世界很小啊?!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 多谢!多谢!请收邮件。
    • 我毕业, 你上学. 请问哪一系的? 修改一下Objectives 的前半部分吧, 把人吓着!
      • 八系,计算机系。难得在此碰到同校师兄。多谢!
    • 100% frankly, to post one's own cv (full scale!) is silly
      • agree. it's more like a diary than a CV. the gentleman needs to take some job seeking workshops to undertsand resume writing essentials. no worthwhile to check for him at this time.
      • what is cv mean?thank u
        • cover letter
          • 拜托,亮晶晶,cv=curriculum vitae (习习,不能肯定拼写是否正确~~~~),a formal resume
            • 啊, 俺又学了一招, 谢了
        • Curriculum Vitae, Latin terms, Curriculum means Course in Latin, Vitae means brief account of matter, Curriculum Vitae then means brief account of one's education and career, bottom line,it's the formal way of saying
          • thanks
          • 佩服!·佩服!可不可以告诉你的英语功底是怎么学成的?!
            • piggy是本地人出身好.
    • =================== 非常感谢各位的帮助,在这只能说上一声:谢谢!===================
    • 请问你认识刘永强吗?好像是你们学校92电子系的?
      • 对不起,不认识。他是宁夏的吗?
        • 谢谢。是重庆的。那你认识‘李磊’ 或‘廖知明’ 吗?(印象中我有一个成电计算机系的同学,哎,记心不好使了)
          • 廖知明好象是一班的,毕业后没和他联系过。
    • 看样子,“成电”来的不少,不知多伦多有没有电讯校友会。
      • 难道你也是吗?
      • 我希望有。
    • 小师弟,我是89级成电计算机系的,D
      • 你好,师兄!惭愧我还没找到工作。
    • 对,不是有这么多师兄罩着你吗?不要怕,一个一个去烦他们,直到找到工作。
      • 我知道今年很难。
        • 不光今年很难,以后估计也差不多,去年,前年太过反常, 现在的情况对我来说才感觉正常。 NASDAQ的股票其实跟两年前差不多, 90年代初期那才是真正的萧条,现在只能说是正常了。
          • 但是现在的移民却比前几年多了很多很多。不知是不是我感觉错误,我觉的计算机人员比空缺职位要多。而且加拿大主要需要的是Architect职位的人员。而新移民就算有这样的能力,英语也不行。
        • 前几年改行的人都有很多找到工作,现在连被lay-off的IT人员都不好找工作。供大于求至少10倍20倍。
    • =================== 再次感谢各位的帮助,多谢!===================