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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 看到TORONTO大学的申请材料上写,中国大陆的学生大学成绩要达到85才可以,真的吗?我的大学平均分是82,没希望拉??这里有没有多大的学生可以帮忙看看是否属实?
    • 我不是多大的, 当年以88.9%考取了画铁路野生动物大学
      • a h ???哪里有这个学校??88.9%?你别再打击我了..........5555555555
        • Waterloo
    • i don't believe i had that high score.
      • smarty,你在多大吗?他们是不是每项要求都要达到啊?是这样吗?
        • Frankly, I have no idea how they assess candidates...
          At least, you should have a good TOFEL, TWE5.0, fairly good GPA (maybe lower than requirement, but good in major courses, this is my situation.) Go ahead to apply for it, just cost you some more application fee.
          BTW, i am a new student of UofT.
          • Thank you so much,smarty, you are a great help to me. I will apply UT,although I dont know whether I will be enrolled,at least I need a try,rite?
            Ok,I will take the TOEFL test this Aug, I hope I can get a high mark.Thanks!!BTW, I will pursue a master of Education. Do you think I should take GRE?(they dont request it,but I am not sure if the GRE makes any help?)
            • Agree. why don't apply more schools, to let you have more choice.
              about G, i am not sure. maybe not. I didn't take G and i also pursue a master degree.
              • Thanks,smarty,I want to apply UT,Queen's,York,Brock...what about UWO? Could you give me some suggestions?
                Are there any other schools in or near Toronto I can apply ?(master)
                • Toronto周围的大学还有McMaster, Waterloo, Gaulph, UWO, 再远点有Winsor(好象没拼对,hehe)
                  • mcmaster ,waterloo没有教育的研究生,guelph有没有?好象也没有吧,windsor有点远吧....
                    • waterloo有。mcmaster不知道,大概也有的。你都从中国来到加拿大了,怎么还会嫌windsor远呢? hehe
                • sorry, I don't know too much about education department. i think 4 to 5 schools are enough.
                  • 唉,老是有种不保险的感觉啊!!.................:(
                    • Canada 学校不多,选择也不多,能有4,5所挑就不错了,其它的只怕娶了你,你也不去,right?
                      • 恩,是的,我希望他们能“娶” 我!西西!!:)
                        • 什么叫他们“娶”你?想一妻多夫啊你。新婚姻法禁止嫁二爷!
                          • hi,pmer,waterloo哪里有教育系的研究生啊?我刚刚去了他们的网站,没找到啊,你确定吗?
    • help me...
      • like smarty said, just go ahead to apply for it. People here are more reasonable, so just try it.
        Another option, if refused, you could apply for the special student first, and 1 year later apply for the program again (I am sure you will be admitted) and transfer these credits.

        Usually, the deadline for new application is Apr(?), but my wife applied on mid Aug. last year, and got approved (as a special student). So, before you do it, you don't know you can't do it.
        • thanks,bloor,but,知道被锯后再申请SPECIAL STUDENT来的及吗?
        • Anyway,I am still In China now,So I am worrying about it. I will apply soon and my desired entrance date is Fall,2002
          • Not all the Canadian university has fall admissions. For UofT, it only accept new students on Sept.
            • Sept. is not fall?
              • 对不起,我脑袋进水了(我看他写的是fall,可到了我脑袋里就想成了冬季)