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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / It's midnight, I could not sleep
    . I am worry about my futer. Got lay off for three month. I still can not find any job. Just now, I cried for long time, I don't know if I can live, maybe tomorrow toronto star will report another new comer suicide.
    • Easy man, we are on the same boat. Everything's gonna be fine. Try working at night. It's a good way to cure insomnia :-)
      • I am a lady.
        • ooops. I am SORRY.
          • anyway, thanks so much.
    • 我能理解你现在的心情。现在说什么都没有用,最好的就是抱着一个朋友,在他怀里痛快的哭(不管男性女性,都需要关怀和依靠的);如果不行,


      • thanks a lot, but you know I could sleep. I don't know why.
        • 穿一双小一好的鞋试试,你会因为身体上的疼痛而无法顾及灵魂上的伤痛
          • r u in Canada now? If not, How can I invite you to have lunch or dinner after I find job. of course. I must not suicide this dawn.
            • If you will invite me, I\
              • If you will invite me, I will fly to Canada ASAP for the supper dinner :-) I hope I will land Canada in the next year.
          • 真是个奇妙的办法.
    • 生命是宝贵的。我是个非常怕死的人。人家都说人越老越怕死,我还不老,可是我很惜命。我经常感慨我能健健康康长到这么大,简直是个奇迹。工作没了可以再找,失恋了可以再爱,离婚了可以再结,只有生命是不可逆转的。
      • Oops, Jen, don't even let Jer catch up these words... take care, pal.
        • xinlin, 这没什么不可以让bingle知道的. 他知道我的想法的, 他知道我很怕死, 他也很怕我死掉. :P
    • 睡不着觉是很麻烦的事情。即使睡着了,有时也会紧张得醒过来。三个月找不到工作,即使有爱人在身旁也很可能帮不上忙。先听听音乐,放松一下吧,告诉自己,急也没用。另外,你是什么专业?也许哪位大虾能帮你分析一下。
      • I am programmer. I have 10 years experience.
        • 你就是上面的guest?能具体说说哪方面的编程吗?不要说你什么都会,要说你以前做过哪方面的项目。我只有推荐的权利。
          • yes. because somebody knows my UserID, I don't want them to worry about me, so just sign on guest. then I went to chat room( must be login) then post thanks message, I found ,oops, it signs on my real username.
            before I came to Canada, I worked at RockWell Automation China branch as a senior software engineer. Using VC++ and C develop application products. ( such device driver, GUI, Activex..), After I came to Canada, I worked at a small company. Using VC++ to develp COM and Using ASP and IIS to write interface based website. My major is computer science.
            • 首先你应该和朋友分享你的快乐和忧愁。一份忧愁分给三个人,那么每个人就只有1/3了。不要想他们帮不了你,说了也没用。机遇就是在分享中偶然发生的。我现在知道你的方向了,我会为你努力。
              • Thank you very much.
            • Don't be so negative. You should be fine if you have such experience.
              I don't know how old you are, but you should
              go to school for one degree if you are under
              40. There are still some chances for C++. Just
              a few days, I help my friend to land one job.
              She got a lot of interviews after I gave her suggestions.

              Be positive is VERY important. No one can beat you
              except yourself.
              • Could you tell me what your suggestion is ?
                • Please send one email to me if you don't mind. I need more information before I help you.
                  Helping the people to find the job is not easier but I am
                  confident on myself. A few years ago I did a lot of help
                  like this and finally I am tired. However I just did three and
                  four cases in more than one and half year because they
                  are my good friends or relatives of my best friends.

                  I made one decision to help you after reading your post.
                  I will show you how you fight in this cruel world.
                  • I sent email to you, Please check.
    • 不要太悲观了,我开始也是这样的,后来没办法,就去打labour工了,但是前途渺茫啊.
      • yes. maybe this is a good idea. I should go out and share my feeling with others.
      • 纤云,你在做什么LABOUR,报酬如何,感觉还能挺住吗?
      • 纤云,是你么?长周末有什么安排?
    • 你是一个人来的?你需要一个朋友,平时多和他聊聊天吧。心中的郁闷是积聚起来的,平时有排遣就不会有沉默中的爆发。
    • hao si bu ru lai huo zhe :)
    • I have work, but i am still afraid to be laid off. and last night i work until midnight just want to solve one problem.
      • Me too. I dare not take sick leave when I feel uncomfortable only because I want to give boss a good impression , sigh...
        • in china, i used to work in a research institute, work is easy, and i am lazy. even i am not sick, I will take sick leave. here different. but i feel i made a great progress now.
    • sigh, 每个人都有自己的难处,生活本来就不是件容易的事,坚持坚持吧,或许会有转机,就算不为自己活,也为老爸老妈想想吧。
    • Life is so hard everywhere, especially for us girls who want to do sth, but we must keep on. Believe me, Good mood can bring you good luck, the world is really magic.
      • thank you so much. when I saw so many friends here, tears is in my eyes.
        • Shame to die
          Lady, if you feel everything is going bad, you are not alone. So many people are just as bad or even worse than you. At least you have EI. others have nothing. It is a shame to think about death for such a little challenge.

          Don't think others are all having fun. Everybody's life is tough, including those who are not laid off yet.
    • 说明我们很多人的心理素质还待提高