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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 看了两盘老录像NottingHill 和Mummy,突然觉得英国英语听起来像天籁, 有没有人有同感。(讲TORONTO 英语的DX别拿砖头拍我!)
    • 绝对是这样, TORONTO人的英语是土老冒的口语. 上次美国的同事来出差,大大笑话了一番. 咱本地的也只能苦者脸干笑.
      • 美国人才是土老冒呢,他们无法接受所有跟他们不一样的东西。在欧洲人眼里他们就是一群土鳖。别总是把他们当会事。
        • 确实如此,美音不好听,加拿大就是尽量要学美音结果四不象才显得老土。
      • 北美英语整个发音比较侉,绝对没有英国口音好听。普通话比广东话好听吧,可这儿不流行,都是经济基础闹的。
        • 英国也分口音啦!伦敦口音当然正宗,没看catherine zeta-jones在跟barbara walter说她口音当初是wales吗。苏格兰口音就不好懂啦,看看brave heart就知道。
      • 我打赌你没听过美国南方口音(市不是不看电影和电视?)。
    • 这个问题很奇怪
      • 不觉得有什么奇怪.纯属个人感受,没有贬低其他口音的意思,不必认真.
      • yeah, that's the point! 很多中国人喜欢嘲笑印度口音,哎,人家用词造句是比咱们普遍强。毕竟英语在他们那里更通用。
    • 请形容一下多猪多的英文是如何的
    • 上次在坛子上有朋友建议我讲一口“无色透明”的所谓"International English"。可我现在也没有完全搞懂这是什么意思。请大家赐教。
      • my friend said i have british accent. and i think in canada, you need not worry about accent as long as other people can understand you. and i can hear all kinds of accent here.
        • The discriminations' always there if you are different
          • i have been in canada for nearly 8 months, but i only met one guy who has discrimination. maybe because i am a lady. i feel canadian are friendly.
            • You still dont' get it, discriminations are invisible
              • i am proud of my british accent, i think it is noble.
                • oh really really really????haha
                • god! you were fooled, People who speak American English (Canadians and Americans) generally compliment everybody whose English is not that good with "British Accent".
                  I was paid the same compliment lots of times when I was speaking English in English corners back in china many years ago. Now I realized how bad my English was then. British accent is actally very hard to follow. I've never seen any chinese who speaks with British accent here. Don't make such a fool of yourself.
              • where is your message.
          • you know we study british english since junior school. and also i think that british has more history, so noble. I feel sorry that you said that.
            • oh ur english is so good!! haha
              • sorry, i am too lazy and too careless about spelling. but my english is really good. and there is no problem when i talk my work with my colleagues. i really think that i should be proud.
                • You really need to re-evaluate your mastery of English. Read your posts was a difficult job. Work on your grammar, if you don't know where to start!
                  And, even if it is true that British accent is noble, do you really think you have that accent?Talk to one British, if you could...
                  Shake your head, don't be fooled by the booble others made to fool you!
                  • Bubbles, you mean?
                  • I have colleagues who came from Britain. everyone has mistakes, even you. "Read your posts was a difficult job". i do believe my english is good since everyone i talked here think so.
                    i do not think there is nothing wrong if i said i am proud of my english. i do not think there is nothing wrong if i said i have british accent. i did not hurt other people. I can deal everything by english in my life.
                    i know that so many immigrants have much better english. but while i said my english is good, i do not mean that their english is worse.
                    sorry, i am still proud although i read and try to understand what you said.
                    • sorry, forget to paste my name.
                    • 兩位請不要開打, no disrespect, though "everyone makes mistakes is no an excuse" Ignorance is not an excuse
                      • hi, slimpig, now you seems to be a gentleman. glad to know. i like rolia. i think this is a big family. we argue just for building new idea and improving my english.
                  • you always try to fool others, or try not to be fooled by others. but at last, you are fooled by yourself. anyhow i can not understand your message completely, i do not know slang.
            • Britain, is a region, The Britishs are its people, so you've study the Queen's English since junior high and can't distinguish between the two, that pretty much tells me the quality of your studies
              • thank you. it seems that chinese people always tell me the truth, but make me unconfident. canadian always praise me, but not the truth, make me confident.
                • I am sorry, me was too critical ar, me speak speak E-arlish with many many mistakesseseseses ar, where are you right now ar ar
                  • critical, i am in edmonton.
                    • Critical?
                      • i mean you are too critical to me. nobody criticized my english before.
                      • I guess she was talking about "criticizing"
                        • sorry, i think i am right.
                          • let's all make mistakes, life is good
                            • this make me comfortable.
                              • No, life is
                • 我们大多数中国人在语言使用上显得特别不宽容,有时会走极端。别人用错一个字词,即便不影响理解,我们还是揪住不放。其实文字本身只是a vehicle to convey information. So long as we understand, why the fuss?
                  • i like your point. i think so. as long as we can be understood. and also i do not think i am wrong if i am proud of my english.
                    • It depends on what kind of life you want to pursue here.
                      This is an English-speaking country, therefore the level of your language ability is set to be a critical factor deciding the content and quality of life you could really enjoy here.Sorry to burst your booble, but, believe it or not, it is as simple as it is.
                      BTW, please really don't use "and also" together too often any more. Grammartically, it is called "redundance".
                      • thank you. i knew my english is the key factor to my new life here. thank you. now i have to pay attention to my grammar although i am lazy.
                • looks like what others say about you really affects your confidence about yourself.
                  • kidding.
      • 我的意思是您不要太在意口音问题,用词不要太时尚(稍微保守一些),避免使用俚俗语。英语巨大的包容性为我们提供了丰富的选择,无论是说或写,英美混合是正常现象(不要有过分倾向即可)。
        • Hahaha...... 原来这话是您说的!我没想起来,你不打自招了!^_^
      • 补充一句。事实上,英语现在已成为全世界人民的英语,而非英美人独有。国际英语的概念正在为越来越多的人所接受。您要问它究竟是什么,我可以这样说,它就是广泛应用于日常各种国际交往的英语,其中也有您的贡献。
        • Thank you very much!
          • btw, got your LP already? When did your interview take place? Mine did on April 19 in HK and I am expecting it now.
            • 我也在等,时间比你长。
              • i thought you are in edmonton.
    • 英国英语听起来更清晰些
    • 我也是练英式发音出生, 直到前年, 才知道我把mall, more, moe都发成一样的. 后来我注意到, 一般同胞发people时, 都发成peopo, 这个把字尾的‘L'发成 'o'的习惯不是我一个人有。
      • yes, you are quiet right. i have the same experices, it is not easy for us to pronounced "l", my friend try to correct my pronounciation.
      • 你说的对!我提供一个测验方法:请别人听你说的单个词是WORD还是WORLD,如果人家听不出,就说明你要改进发音了,或是他要练听力了。
    • 不要看不起加拿大音。 美国电台主持人很多是加拿大人去做的。 应该这样说, 加拿大发音是美国标准音。 可以比较CNN的发音,他就是加拿大音。
      • 美国英语越来越流行, 各位听听这里电视台的主持人,一嘴的口音, 再听听美国的,如果你还说加拿大的好听....没话说了.
        • wjiang is right.
          Many hosts in US TV network are from Canada. The most famous ones include Peter Jennings from Ottawa and Paul Newman from London. There is a joke about ABC: which is America Based Canadian.

          I read an article years ago about the development of English. Actually, those trendy accent orignates from females or teenagers residing in New Zealand and Southern Australia, then it spreads to US or Canada.
          BTW, I, personally, favors California accent.
        • "听听"你正好说反了, 美国人口音重, 东西南北中都不一样.
          一般认为西部口音为标准美英, 中部和南部口音口最土. 加拿大人口音不明显, 所以美国大电视台的主持人有一半是加拿大人.
          • Wrong! Eastern accent( New England , excluding NYC) is considered the standard American accent. In Canada ,
            only people in Ontario speak close to Eastern Americans, notice it's only "close", new England people can easily tell somebody from Canada. In other parts of Canada (eq, Alberta), they have very thick accents most Americans would consider as "weird". Do some research before you speak if you don't have enough real-life experience.
            • 东部口音过时了, 现在最时髦最标准的是西海岸口音
              比较一下现在的电影跟50年代的电影口音就能听出区别来. 哪儿富哪儿"正点",瞧现在大陆的普通话不也越来越港台?

              加拿大西海岸( VANCOUVER)说的就是标准美音. 加拿大东部我没去过, 对那里的口音不了解. NEW ENGLAND地方的白人有英国遗风, 很势利又自以为是.
              • 那自然,东部都是老家族,还编society名录的。别得地方杂多了。要学los angeles地道口音,录barbara walters和monica lewinsky的访问就可以了。L的完全地道。
    • 法国法语才好听呀!
    • 英国腔英语有口感,清晰,比美音好听懂,而且好听。
      • 好懂不好懂,是听得多少得问题。
      • 咱们从小的教育偏向英音。
      • 我也喜欢英国英语。但英国英语比美国英语难听懂,特别是带口音的。
        • 我也觉得英式英语比美式英语难听懂多了,听Gwyneth Paltrow说话可真是费劲,没几句能听懂了,听美音就轻松多了。
    • 从国内的初高中到大学一直是英式英语,包括新概念也是英式磁带,撂下英语多年了想补补颗,从新买了盒新概念磁带,一听真是别扭(美音的),感到浑身TM不舒服