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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位仁姐仁妹,生孩子,公司有六各月假,但停发工资,在什么地方可以领到补助金?多少?另外都享受什么社会福利待遇?我很想了解一下。
    • 如果工作够了600小时, 可以每月领到85%原工资的补助. 申请的地方你可以在网上查到
      • thanks
      • 55% or 85%? If LG does not work, 55% seems too low for us to afford the rent and car montgage. Hope it is 85%, but I checked the website you recommended but can not find the proof. Are you sure?
        • 别期望太高。不管你挣多少,最高限额是每星期$483或你工资的55%. 可以到心意网看看这个地址。
          • 从2001年1月1日起, 已经实行了新的规定, 时间加长了, 孕期17周, 父母期35周.
            • It's a good news. and I checked that it is same in ONtario. Thank you, JOY. GOOD LUCK!
            • 是的,是的,从今年开始可以休一年的产假了。
          • Thank you, Luoboyang! I am quite new on the net (both ROLIA and is4u) but I already know you from my husband who visits the websites everyday and ...
            and we really got many many helps before and after we landed last year. You are a great girl! What I am wondering is how do you have so much energy working on this in your spare time? Is that just based on your warm-heart? And another impresion on you is that you are a fair and brave girl too! why say so? I agree with your action on deleting all uncivilised posts on is4u.
            • 呜呜呜,我都热泪盈眶啦!我嘛,就好凑热闹,加上工作轻松,时间弹性,没有孩子,只管喂饱老公,所以,
              • 建议小飞侠向萝卜秧学习,把LG喂饱哈。
          • Just get 1400/ per month(Excluded taxes, EI, etc).
            • 差不多每星期400来元吧,和我上面说的一样。
      • BC省的孕期的17周假最多可以拿到85%, 做父母的35周假最多可以拿到75%. 其他省的我不了解
        • I understood now. Different province has different benifits. I am in Toronto now (ON province). So that's why. You are lucky to be in a higher benifit province! Thank you very much, JOY!
    • http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/ae-ei/pubs/in201_e.shtml#What's new
      • Thank you! I checked the website you recommended and found the 55% is too low for us to keep living for a year. Is that all?
        • Your CTB will be increased after the delivery. So, probably another $200 per month.
    • 你们决定生了?
      • yes. I am going to see the family doctor tonight. Thank you very much for your kindness. I doubted at the biginning but my husband was right!--
        There are so many really really good friends on ROLIA! I am feeling better now on my mom's death and all of the friends words make me feel that I am not lonely at all. I have so many GGJJ DDMM in Canada. I am deeply moved and start to see the future of the life. To have another child can change my life to a happy way, though I know it would be tougher in a several years. I am confident that I can overcome any kind of difficulties under the great help of ROLIA friends. Further recommendations on my baby plan would be very much appreciated!

        Thank you, suantou MM!
        • Glad to hear your saying. Good Luck!
    • 原来你是那个运波儿. 对你的处境深表遗憾! 如果你想生孩子, 根据你的情况,你看这样子行不行.
      你生孩子前3,4个月,请你LG开始找FULL TIME工,挣钱越多越好,但是一定得是有EI的那种,挣现金不行.你生孩子休息过来后(比如1,2个月),就回去上班,由你LG继续休PARENTAL LEAVE. 由于他已经干够了600小时,也有资格拿补助. 这样子, 你们的收入状况会好些, 孩子也能得到很好的照顾. 另外, 怀孕期间千万保持好心情.
      • 我虽然没有孩子,但是从周围亲朋好友的情形来看,孩子断奶之前是极难让母亲分身去工作的。婴儿的作息间隔太短。
      • 行, 我在努力。 谢谢