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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / Can I give up canadian citizenship. I found it is too difficult to get Canadian passport. Because I need passport to travel,can I just give up and to be Chinese again. System here is suck.
    • If you already give up china passport, possible you never get it. China don't have immigration law. They don't like you become chinese again.
      • uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................. too sad. I want to go back home.
        • it's too late buddy. You bet at the wrong side
    • 加拿大护照怎样难拿?这位兄弟的逻辑一直有大问题。这次希望不是搞笑。
      • 在你拿到公民证后,申请护照时必须要有保人,具体见政府网站。我想这位仁兄就是找不到保人。
    • The system here is like the one in China long time ago.
      • for example??
    • It's better keep Chinese citizenship. A few years later, people in Canada will immgrate to China. That is for sure.
      • In a few years? My time is so tight. I have to study Chinese very hard now, so I can pass the TOCFL (Test of Chinese as Foreign Language).
        • I already started to study.hahha