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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 欲哭无泪,整日无眠,我选择的婚姻如此令我绝望。问在加拿大的jjmm,如果离婚的女人带着孩子在那里靠自己奋斗而工作和生活会不会很艰难,有没有这样的例子。我在国内不是富人,但我有双手和爱孩子的一颗心。
    • 破釜沉舟乐?! good luck
    • I know there're several great single moms on rolia. You can find their posts in the history. Be strong, keep smiling. ^_^
    • 别人不知,但是上帝知道人间发生的一切,愿天下好人一生平安!
    • 如果孩子够入学年龄,可以带去。如果小于5岁, 最好放在国内几年。不要冲动苦了孩子。
    • Yes, You can, if you strong enough. 2 days ago, I met a lady who did it.
      She divorced when her daughter was 1 year old, at that time, she was a housewife and she was a doctor before she came to Canada. Now she is a sw engineer in Ottawa, all things she did herself, she said she had no time to cry when she began her hard CS study, she couldn't be hit down because she is the only person her daughter relay on.
      I was moved by her story, actually I am reflected myself these days. I fell so depressed sometimes when I meet troubles. Cheer up!
    • As a single mom, I think it's better to come to Canada than stay in China, coz you can get some benefits from the government and scholarship if you take some courses.
      Be confident, everything will be Ok. Good luck!
    • 很难的!像你这种情况还是在国内比较好。
    • 你想逃避心里的牢笼,让身体上的劳累充满你,让时间冲淡感情的创伤。我认为你可以来,如果你一直是吃苦耐劳的女人。不过许多现实的困难无法回避,你要仔细权衡。
    • 男人是强的。但是母亲更强大。为了孩子,一个看似弱小的女子会发出令人瞠目的力量。不过还是希望你最好能在国内另找个城市逃避一下。
    • 孩子先留在国内请父母照看一两年,等你自己站住了脚,再接孩子过来吧,过来以后可以与我们联系,大家互相帮助。
    • 从我的几个"single mom"朋友的情况来看,来加拿大似乎是个较明确的选择,尤其对于孩子。你一定会坚强起来的,因为你是母亲。保持联系吧,无论你的选择是什么。
    • 如果可能,还是把孩子带来,但你要有准备,如果不能给孩子好的生活,你要能承受的起,没有孩子在身边,加上初来加拿大的艰难,我想够你受的。综合利弊,自己选择。