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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 各位大侠,请教webpage designer的简历,我是美工,就会设计网页,PHOTOSHOP,FLASH,算是高手吧,对HTML只了解一点,我身边都是编程的,不知道项目介绍怎么写?
    • Bulid your personal website with your design and resume.
      • 他们要FAX简历,我觉得挺奇怪的.
        • Why strange?
          It's the first step for job searching. Prepare your resume as well as your portfolio. Your portfolio can be a CD, a personal website or paper work. It's better for you to visit somebody working in the Humer Resource Center before your fax your resume. He or she will help you to correct your resume. Also, you can find out some resume samples in your field on some website.