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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 林妹妹,瘦猪:
    小潘的住处楼梯又高又窄, 对他来说非常不安全, 是否应该尽早发动大家设法帮他找房子, 别有楼梯就行(电梯应该是挺好的), 交通方便一点, 价格别太高,离医院的距离并不是大问题,你们说是吧?
    • 交通方便一点, 价格别太高,离医院的距离并不是大问题, talk's cheap man, it's not as easy as you think, we are working on it except the budget is tight
      • 对不起, 瘦猪
        我不知道你们正在为小潘做什么也不知道你们付出的艰辛... 我把所有的事都想的太简单... 请原谅, 我到此地时间不长,确实不了解此地国情. 况且我只是过客一个,大可不必多虑.... 请恕我在旁指手划脚之过. 谢谢你的提醒. 我将会对我的行为多多加以约束.
        • Your concern is much appreciated, I don't want to talk about details of what's being done because I don't want to run the rish of people knowing someone else's working on Pan's case,
          therefore they won't lend a hand when called upon
          • support u!
            • 别在此瞎起哄, 你看不懂瘦猪的意思吗? 支持? 拿出行动来比什么都强, 靠嘴能解决问题吗?
          • piggy, don't care what someone else say, all rolia's friends know what you and Linmeimei do for Xiao Pan. Go ahead, be yourself! We are all behind you!
    • 谢谢你的提议.希望大家(包括我自己)都睁大眼睛帮小潘看一下, 有没有合适的房子/公寓.
      • As of today, I have two community centres (Woodgreen and Riverdale) working on Pan's house hunting project, the waiting list is shorten though it could still be 2 years, also the hospital
        have issued notice of payment to Pan for the third time, they are this close to fire a lien, should that happen, Pan will have to file for bankruptcy, which will hurt his job hunting process and any personal credit related applications (visa, housing-this is almost rhetorical eh, loan, and welfare).

        The only good news is that Pan's been certified on July 26, 2001 as a person with severe disability, which will help his welfare amount perhaps even the housing application
        • I feel sorry to know that Pan has to pay the hospital, otherwise becomes bankrupt. What should we do in order to call more donations to cover his debt? All suggestions and comments are welcome.
        • It's really a bad news. Any chance to negotiate with the hospital?
          • We already did, Joe Ng and I postpone the notice several times, but Mt Sinai is firm on repayment, let me work on that again