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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 现在还容易得到美国的h-1 visa么?别笑话我无知,穷则生变么,我只是想知道。那天在这看到一个朋友说有,我想如果还容易的话,大可以从那里先弄半年北美经验。不过我找了一下,很多agency都说现在不管了,一钱管过?
    • I think these still many many chances for you to get a H-1, one of my firends get a H-1 offer from microsoft 2 months ago
      • OH,really? But why are there so many unemploy IT man here?
        • the sum total of H-1 visa are fixed every year.
          due to the bad economic status, many US. companies needn't find people from other country. also they are under the labour union's pressure to hire local un-employed. so the H-1 limit hasn't been reached yet.
        • and, it's a naive question. does everyone want to work in the states? are u sure u can get an offer and the visa?