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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 11:00 to 12:00pm, rolia.com 全面瘫痪, it's time for us all to step in and get some decent hardware for the site
    • 瘦猪现在是献身rolia插翅难飞了
    • No, sailor is paying a couple of hundred $ annually to host rolia at a web-hosting company. So, the server (hardware) belongs to that company. We couldn't do anything.
      • I know that, first thing, Sailor pays more than couple hundred, way more, also, we can still upgrade the package (traffic capacity)
    • Thank you for you guys' kindness. I'm working on improving the services. The breakdown last night is due to the ISP's fault.
      • Do you have the option to purchase better traffic capacity? I still say we chip in,