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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请问在加的朋友,安省的考驾照的视力测试要求是多少?是纠正还是裸眼?是不是很严格?谢谢!
    • 1.5 or 5.1. You can wear glasses. But if your glasses is purchased in China. You'd better ask for a more powerful pair since they normally only adjust you to 1.0 (?).
      • 没人管你的眼镜啦!只要能看清就行,很容易过关的。我印象中1.2以上就没有问题,戴不戴眼镜,驾照上会标明。
        • 非常感谢两位朋友,不过纠正不到1.2怎么办?
          • is that so hard to get a good pair of glasses? or contact lens? think about it. if you do have other problem, better consult your optometrist first.
        • 朋友,请问检查视力是看视力表还是其它方法?另外,是否检查辨色力?如何检查?
          • same as eyewear store here, you need to look into a machine(looks like a small double focus telescope) and read the letters shown inside.
            • 再麻烦问一句,检查时戴眼镜还是裸眼?
              • they know you won't drive without eyeglasses if you do have myopia. so there's nothing to worry about.
          • they don't ask for 辨色力. I guess it's ok as long as you can identify red and green no matter how red and green appear in your eyes in fact.
            • 多谢!也就是说不检查?
              • I think it's been made very clear.