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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 他这种做法合法吗?
    我租了一个ONE BEDROOM的APARTMENT,没跟管理员签正式合同。我因嫌这里太闹得慌,想搬家。也已经找好了地方。按照我们的约定,我提前一个月跟他打了招呼,他也同意了,但提出我走时要我出150加元的“清洁费”。房子不大,我住的时间也不长,我觉得他这种做法太黑。请教革命同志,他这种做法合理合法吗?我应该如何应对?谢谢!
    • 合同上没写,也没通知过你,也没有规定要交那钱,你完全有理由不给的呀~ 真要给就跟他蘑菇,让他把有关规定的条文给你看,看了再给钱也不迟~ 最起码也不能给那么多呀,砍价砍价~ Good luck!
    • Check your rental agreement. If there is no such terms in it, you don't need to pay.
      However, tell the landlord that you will clean the apartment to a reasonable standard so that he will not have any excuse to ask for the cleaning-fee. Some rental companies may ask for this fee if they think your apartment is too dirty and they spend some extra on cleaning job.
      Protect your own interest and be reasonable at the same time.
    • Usually you should clean up your appartment before you move out.