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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我LG 最近被lay off,发现现在IT很少有招人的,请各位前辈指点一下还有哪些 网站能查到招人的信息。谢谢!或想与一些朋友互相鼓励,交流经验,共渡 难关。
    • 不要慌
      1. 高科技经济下滑, 职位大量削减. 原来有100个职位现在可能只有5个.
      2. 大量裁员得结果, 原来一个职位有5个人竞争现在增加到50 到100.
      3. 没有被裁员得人由于恐慌, 也加入了求职队伍, 使得求职人数又大幅增加.
      网站很多, 但现在效果不好, 卖方市场, SELLER'S MARKET.
      可以直接针对公司发简历, 但不要保太大希望.
    • 兄弟,搞的什么方向?我也在苦海中。
      • C/C++,unix,linix,Today he took an interview,the person told him he got over a thousand resumes!
        • Recently, I send some Resume, few response. I work on BSP/Driver,and Network protocol. So It's hard too for Unix/C++ maybe. This January, lots of responses.
          • 同志,目前怎么样?BSP是什么?留下衣妹我们仔细聊呀!
            • My company has laid-off 30% people in Ottawa. I'm not sure if i can survive in next 4 monthes.How about Tonronto now?
    • computerjobs.com workopolis.com jobshark.ca
    • try newsgroup ott.jobs tor.jobs ont.jobs
      • how about ur interview?
        • He said he could not make a decision.He will let CEO decides who qualifys.and I start hunting job too--after all
          no one in the family works gives me much pressure.To my surprise,when I went to a factory for a position in office,many
          chinese there for few labour positions!It's so sad.Most of them should
          have better living in China,be a skillful person.My eyes wet.But
          maybe like me,for my kids,for my house,it's hard to decide to go back.
          wishes good luck everyone.and still be happy...
      • 这东东怎么连不上呀?
      • 怎么使呀
        • www.deja.com, www version
    • Anyone wants to study C++ or VC++ together, please comtact me.
      • I want to study VC++.
        How can we contact and exchange?
        • Hi milk, What are you studing now. If you like we can meet at the library.
          • I am studying at home. Do you have YM?
            • Yes, it is ikea63ca.yahoo.com. what is yours
      • how are your C++ (Fundamental). Suggest you study C++ language first. Could you tell me what is Copy-constructor and Diamond in multi inheritance?
        • try. my words
          copy constructor is a contruction function of a class,
          when a instance of the class is initialized with another
          instance of the class passed, it begins to copy all data
          of the passed-in instance to creating instance.

          diamond of mutil inheritence is 2 classes inherite from a
          common base virtually. By claiming virtual,it will create
          only one hidden base class instance(or object ) in
          • one correction
            diamond is 1 child has 2 different fathers
            ,2 different fathers have 1 common father,
            how to make 2 different fathers recognize their
            common father? the way is to claim it not real,
        • Good question, that is a good start.
          good question. Lots friends are studing c++ right now. Because I am studing VC++ alone. I really want to know some friends who are doing the same thing. Although , there are lots training school around, some of them are just want to make money.
    • Maybe the best way for now is: study, study and study. do not wast time to find a job.
    • In alberta, www.smartclick.com. I always invite people to alberta.
    • up