


  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 各位,如果我从加拿大返回中国结婚的话,需要在加拿大办理什么手续?多谢!
    • This is the message from China's embassy in Canada. It's helpful.
      • Thousands thanks, Sailor. But..
        It seems like that I must have a job with reliable income before I come back to china for marriage. Is this necessary?
        • Not necessary.
          • OK! Sailor. Why it is not necessary?
            • It's not required and I don't know why... anyway, you have right to get married no matter whether you have a job, right?
              • 请问sailor; 对于新移民应该这样办理对吗?
                请多多指教, 谢谢

                • Where R U? How about ur progress?
                  • I am in Beijing now, and, i am waiting my LP; Have u got ur LP? when are u going to leave? thanks
                    • Hi! Wizi.
                      I am also in Beijing. I got my LP about 3 months ago. And I plan to go to Ottawa at next March.
                      How about ur opinion for the marriage?
                      • hi, BearDaddy I am going to Toronto, but, i still don't get my LP As for marriage, I sure will marry with my dreaming girl. and, I am preparing for those boring procedure .
                        what's ur marriage status. It seems ur also preparing ur marriage next year.GOODLUCK
                    • 本人不回国,把未婚证明寄回国能结婚吗?
                      • husband and wife must present in front of the officer.
          • If you have resolved this problem, pls give me some help. I may also have to return mainland to get married. I think may we share some experience.
      • 回国结婚为什么还要出示在加国办的单身公正?没有回来后不能结婚吗?
        • hi,via 很久没在论坛上看到你,不知你在何处?我有一些夫妻团聚类的问题想问你,但发给你的邮件都退回,不知如何与你联系?
      • hi sailor!我在中国的民政局问了一下。根据在加时间不同回国办理结婚的手续也不同。
        民政局规定说,在国外待满半年的按上面说的方式办理。 对于半年以下的情况, 他们也不清楚。
        sailor, 能否请你帮忙查询一下, 半年一下情况的解决办法,谢谢。
        • 等你明白了,麻烦也告诉我一下。
    • 转贴,关于回国结婚

      答:不行,必须是加拿大当地律师出具的单身证明,同时加盖中国驻加拿大领事馆/大使馆的公章。你先生现在在国内?可能比较困难了。 也不能请朋友在加拿大补办,加拿大的律师需要认证人提供一系列的有效文件,而且需要亲笔签字。
    • 关于加拿大新移民结婚的问题 作者:转贴
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛  家庭担保最热门的一种是配偶申请。顾名思义,在加拿大一方的担保人(可以是加拿大永久居民或公民)与在海外已结婚的配偶合法结婚后,便可申请担保手续。










      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • May I ask where to get the certificate of single? SOS
      • Someone please answer this question. Thanks!
        • it must be issued from there.
      • To get a certificate of being single...
        1, Go to a public notary ( mostly also a lawyer), and he'll print a paper, which indicates your personal status, and ask you to sign in front of him. Then he makes a certificate. (you can find a public notary in yellowpages.)

        2, Go to the provincial government to authenticate your certificate. (You may ask the lawyer for the address.) This takes $16 in Ontario.

        3, Go to the China's consulate for the final step.

        4, When you get to China, have all your stuff translated into Chinese.
        • Further questions about marriage...
          1. Which department of the government should I contact?

          2. Must it be the provincial government? Can I do it in city government? Must I go directly? Can I send thru paper mail?

          3. Can I authenticate my certificate in the Chinese Consulate at Vancouver?

          3. If someone has such experience in Vancouver, please post the whole process to help. Thanx a lot!
          • reply
            1, Pls ask the lawyer in the step1 on mentioned in the previous message;

            2, It must be the provincial. For details, you may ask them directly.

            3, I think so.
      • chinese consulate or embassy yah!
    • 偶想问,偶移民到加拿大后,就在多伦多与持留学签证在加学习的GF结婚,需要什么手续?谢谢
      • Go to the City Hall, that's it!
    • 如果没销户口,可直接回国凭户口和街道开的单身证明去民政局办结婚证.
      • 要是这种情况离婚了,将来再申请别人会不会被拒签? 我的一个朋友正在为此痛苦
        • 能不能告诉我,你朋友的详细情况:在国内有户口,不用办单身证,办了结婚证,能和办单身证结婚的一样向移民局申请吗?
        • 兄弟,等你明白了,麻烦告诉我一下,我也想知道。
        • 好像只能担保这一次, 以后移民局对你的申请就会更加疑神疑鬼, 几乎 不可能办成了. 结婚是人生的冒险, 担保配偶是更大的冒险.
        • 请问多长时间才可以离婚呀????????????
    • 你清楚了吗?我面临一样的问题。请把结果转发我一份,万分感谢!
    • 请问大家一下,申请家庭团聚类香港快些还是北京快些,谢谢!
    • 请问,要时两个都在Canada的新移民要结婚呢?还用回中国办什么手续吗?
      • 那就是说,我landing 后,在加办完单身证明,回国结婚,然后办理赴加团聚? 这需要多长时间?