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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 阿,阿,阿~~~sailor, 为什么放我们鸽子阿?555555555:((
    饭也没吃赶着去舞会给潘募捐,那个地方还特难找,其中的曲折也不说了(包括在church被一个怪怪的人盯稍),找了半小时到那儿,发觉只有melody 和伟翰在门口望川秋水,他们已经等了快一个小时了!我们左等右等也不见sailor,wjiang,瘦猪等大虾,只好灰溜溜的打道回府。。。。。。:(((((((((((
    • they are just late, not being absent. 不是不到,只是迟到。
      • Are they there now?
      • 迟到?when did they arrive? We left around 21:00.
    • a a a a a, 5 5 5 5 5 5 Sailor, How could you guys stand us up there for more than one hour????:( :( :(( :((( :((((
    • 表示深切慰问。
    • 他们几个没有手机吗?
    • 是不是那几位在里面呀,看melody post N久了也没人应茬
      • 就那帖子还是打电话回来请LG帮忙发的呢。我们从舞会开始前就在那里等着了。
    • Very very sorry!!!!
      I just come back from the site. The DVP was closed plus we set off late. So when we got there it's already after 9pm.

      It's all my fault. I feel so sorry that I haven't organised everything well. Please accept my sincere apoligy.
      • this is really hurting man, I didn't even know DVP was close for Taste of the Danforth, I took Eglinton (DVP out) then O'connor, got stuck around O'Connor and Coxwell for a good 40 mins, didn't
        even make it past Broadview

        I just assume everyone made it to the Club all right, tell us what happened Sailor

        Ji Ang, did you got see Pan today? any news? I thought his living conditions are tolerable for the moment
      • If tonight was not a entire success, is it possible that we do it again next Saturday night? We would have more time and the DVP would be fine
        • 好吧。不过希望下次大家一定一定一定一定一定准时到达!!!!
        • Again I feel so sorry. Next month there'll be another dance party at the same place. I should make everything OK then. Hope every friend still keeps the enthusiasm. :)
          • uh, yeah, it was unfortunate that we are in the middle of the Greektown festival
            • 好啊,你们去逛希腊美食节了
          • 谁都可能犯错误, 尽管他是sailor.
            • 这话说的。呵呵,呵呵,呵呵。
        • I've printed 100 copy of propose but nobody respons!
          • 我这也有100份copies,下次就用这200份足够了。
    • 哈哈哈, 汪汪在吃烧烤呢!!
    • 对不起。 我们到了, 迟到了。 没看到你们, 还责怪你们了呢。 嘿嘿。 把某某某骂得了得。。。。
      • 迟到了还敢骂人?牛
        • 就是啊,迟到一小时,就算住金斯顿也到了啊。兮兮兮兮。
    • hope to see u next time :-)
      • what happened then?