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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / if the US Embassy asked me to fetch passport the next afternoon, did it mean I got the visa?
    • 是的。
      • Thanks, flyingfish!
        • 不用客气~~~
          • My case: landed here two months ago, no job, not a student. Reason to go to USA: husband have a one-week meeting there, just wanna meet him. So simple, and they gave me 3month visa for only one entry.
            • you're so lucky. what files did show to the visa office?
              • 1, copy of my husband visa 2, copy of the invitation letter , which my husband used to get an B1/B2 visa to USA, in which the company ensured that he would came back to China after meeting.
                Friends here suggested me not show these to USA consulate cause they would doult about the possiblity of my returning to Canada. Well , this is the strongest reason for me to go to USA, so I just show it and got the visa. I think they might decide it case by case, and maybe the company my husband works now is a well-known company.
                • Is your hunsband B1 or H1 in USA? He went to US from China or from Canada as a landed immigration? Thanks.
                  • From China
                • 签证一向带有偶然性,我去年9月登陆,12月去签时,没工作,理由就是度假,给了我一年,多次往返。
                  • did your husband have a job then?
                    • 两个都没有。
                      • did ur husband apply the visa too?
                        • 是的,我们两个一起去的。
                          • u r more lucky than me.
                            • :)
    • 是的
    • yes