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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我的TOEFL一月份过期,可我刚到这里。我听说加拿大的学校很少春季招生,那位大侠指点一下春季招收计算机MASTER的学校。我还来得及吗?急死我了!
    • very few. And try to do it yourself by searching the website of universities. It is better than you just wait here for an answer.
      • 我SEARCH半天了 ,要是找到了 还跑来发帖子吗?
        • So what do you want from others if you can't find it? I only know Dalhousie do have the admission for spring. And it only took me two min. to check. I think you can too.
    • 一月的TOEFL,九月入学应该还能用 ?同学校CHECK一下