


  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Jabber's English Note---031
    How about your nose? Does it have a straight bridge?

    Aha, you got a runny nose. Ok, I sugget you bring more napkins....

    Every spring, we see a lot of people with a runny nose because of pollen allergies.

    If you got a runny nose, you need to clean up as frequently as possible using napkins. Remember: Don't make too much noise.
    • 开始还以为是描述老外鼻子大呢, 看到花粉症才知道是搞错啦.
    • Paper tissue to blow one's nose, napkins are for foooooood
      • Strictly speaking, you are right. I created this posting on the basis of an napkin advertisement
        • napkin is Okay!
          • toilet paper is also OK, according to an ads.
    • I like you hidden-tiger guy.
    • 我的一个英国朋友,打喷嚏没声,可擤鼻涕时整个楼道都听得清楚。
      • 没错,这就是老外的习惯。
      • 打喷嚏时有意憋着容易诱发脑溢血。打喷嚏时,气流冲出口鼻的速度快过12级台风风速。憋住可以造成脑压短瞬间急剧增加,岁数大的人很危险。
        • 多谢你解释,从现在开始,我就可以,放心大胆的,肆无忌惮的,打喷嚏了
          • 老外有时很可爱。俺那个意大利佬每次打喷嚏都是憋,扑哧一下,既不爽快,也没做到神不知鬼不觉,毫无风雅。后来我一解释。他以后打喷嚏都象张飞,然后来个sorry。洒脱多了。
    • I just got a cold and a runny nose and then I opened my computer, and see you are talking about runny-nose.... :-(
    • One of my co-workers in the office says "Excuse me" whenever he sneezes. The the girl next to him always says"Bless you!". Then he says "Thank you!".
      So that's how it works:

      Excuse me - Bless you - Thank you
      • 我打完喷嚏后也想说THANK YOU,可往往还没说出来,第二个喷嚏就又到了,憋又憋不住,只好连续打下去,让别人BLESS去吧。
        • 你别打晕了,把顺序颠倒了,别人还没说bless, 你这儿就开始thank you