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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 知道的比较晚,来看了两天,因为上班比较远,我自己也没有车,对downtown超级没有概念
    • 是我知道的可爱的kinkin么?ber~~~~~你在哪里?我可以告诉你如何坐车。你在scarborough,对巴?
      • 队阿 萝卜秧子麻?!M~~~~~~~~ber!!~finch&birchmont 越详细越好,省得我丢了,丢了你陪
        • 嘻嘻,就你这样颗粒状的,一脚下去无数啊。我看你还是找人搭车吧。啊----有谁愿意带可爱的kinkin去医院啊,超PP,超有趣!!啊------

          如果你在多伦多, 可以到西乃山医院(Mount Sinai Hospital)1106房间看看他.

          西乃山医院位于多伦多市中心, 地址是:
          Mount Sinai Hospital
          600 University Ave.
          (West side of University Ave., between College & Dundas)

          你可以乘Yonge/University地铁, 在Queen's Park站下, 沿着University Ave.的西侧,向College Street的南边走150米左右就到了.

          • 萝卜秧子姐姐,你针懒,这些俺都知道鸭!~~~告诉我车号阿,你,我超级不认路耶!!>:(
          • 超PP!超有趣!!一块钱两斤!!!大减价了阿!!!!
            • 油炸温哥华蝎子了阿,不香不毒不要钱了阿!~~~~~~~~ 蝎子,快 捐钱!~
              • 我的钱正在CIBC和ROYAL BANK之间传呢
                • Have you ever used the Borland C++? I have a question?
                  • no GUI question pls, I hate GUI programming.
                    • not GUI question!
                      1,现在我建立了一个project,并把程序加进去了,build 通过了,可run的时候一点结果也没有。起码该输出一些提示符(程序一开始就先要读入一些参数)。 我不知道project究竟是什么,听老九说就是把许多程序结合在一起。 我现在只想让程序运行而已。该怎么做?或者您可以介绍一下,C++中,从编译到执行的整个过程。
                      3, 与C++中sleep()相同功能的函数是什么?
                      • mail me ur program.
                        • about BC++
                          1) You can use any C function in C++ if you like. So if you find a function in C, then you can use it in C++
                          2) 'project' is sth to help you manage your files. Say your app consist of 5 C++ files, 2 lib files and some other files, Project help you to manage things such as file path, debug path, include file search path etc. So basically, project is a helper. In Borland C++ 3.1, you can omit project by using default project and default configuration( if you app is very simple).
                          however, In version higher than 3.1, the configurations are much complicated than 3.1.
                      • still GUI
        • puke......................................ugly lady!
      • downtown 没啥好的,还是scarborough 好!
    • Pan likes vegi food. you can make some for him
      • 嚎八,偶知道拉:)
    • KINKIN MM 嚎!
      • it should be kinkin da niang! she is old!