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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 假设我拿了G2照一年后再买车,是否为了减保险而上驾校就没意义了?
    • Please help!
    • 我上驾校时碰到一个女孩,就是已经拿到了驾照后很久才去上驾校的.就是为了减保险.具体的情况我就不是很清楚了.
    • Here is the difference
      G2 <=3yrs without drivers' training, operator's merit could not be greater than the years of driving; with drivers' training, operator's merit could be as high as 5 points. And operator's merit affects vehicle's merit and thus affects your premium. This is the rule of an auto insurance system. So, in your case, you'd better take the drivers' training course.