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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 各位巨虾,有没有搞过Intelligent Network的?请问"自动机"英文是什么?
    • 怎么没有人回答我的问题哇?是问题太偏?太简单?还是我魅力实在太差?呜~~~~
      • 能解释一下自动机吗, 看过一本神经元的入门书, 英文版的,好象没遇到这个概念啊? 是神经元网络的概念吗?是这个东东吗?
        Autonomous System

        (AS) A collection of {router}s under a single administrative
        authority using a common {Interior Gateway Protocol} for
        routing packets.
      • Do you mean: State Machine/Limited State Machine, from the theory of Automatation Science/Pattern Recognition? You can read some books from that area and find the exact meaning.
        • Tank you! 自动机全称就是“有限状态自动机”
          • I see, it is called "Turning Machine" in English.
          • Turing machine - TM 识别0型语言。 push down automata - PDA 识别上下文无关语言 finite automata - FA 识别正则语言 - 即有穷状态自动机 不知道你知哪个?
          • You GOT IT!
            • 牛!
    • possibly automata
      • i guess he meant nueral network, a data mining method.
    • 自动机: Automata (复数) Automaton (单数)
    • automata. I mean it's in the field of compiler theory.