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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / OUTLOOK EXPRESS又一次无故删了我的INBOX,一怒之下改装了OUTLOOK。哪位知道怎么能把放EMAIL的那个文件换个目录?
    • outlook put all mail in a file(default name:outlook.pst) instead of a direcoty
      menu to access it: tool->service->personal folder->property
      if u want to move it.backup the pst file and delete the personal folder, then readd one, while add, choose the pathname
      • I didnt find "service" in toos menu, but I just move outlook.pst to my own folder, outlook ask me to relocate it when start... thanks very much.
        • 这取决于你是用的internet only方式还是Workgroup方式,如果是后者,按blaise说的做,如果是前者, 与service对应的选项应该是account
          • 谢谢,这个也搞定了。WORKGROUP方式是INTERNET ONLY加上其他的SERVER,我的只用INTERNET ONLY就可以了。
        • u r using officexp, File->Data File Management.
          • mine is office 2000. I use it to manage my several yahoo account.
        • outlook ->Tools -> Options->Mail Delivery -.>reconfigure mail support -> corporate or workgroup -> .......