


  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Swim for free
    Almost every public swimming pool in Toronto provides free swimming time. The free sessions include "Recreational Swim", family swim, parent&tot swim, senior distance swim(60+), golden swim(60+), warm water swim and joint effort/therapy swim.

    Just go to your nearest public library, ask the librarian for a Parks & Recreation Guide (Toronto Fun, the other name). There're complete schedules in this guide.

    Enjoy your Canadian life.
    • U of T provides free swimming on every Sunday afternoon, for adults and kids.
    • //hug sailor!!!....//bow sailor.真是一个天大的好消息!!!呵呵,如果天天有免费就好了:)不知道设施如何?夏天有露天游泳池吗?
      • Lake Ontario might be the ideal pool.
        • 安大略湖离北约克有多远?偶一般是每天游泳1--1.5小时,太远就不行了~~~加拿大人不喜欢露天游泳?难道都去海边?那太奢侈了.
          • 1/2 hr is enough for taking subway.