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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 今天看了一辆车, 90年toyota camry, 15800KM, dealer 要价$6000,包括各种证书及TAX, 一年warranty . 还价多少合适,请各位给个意见。
    • 4800, and how are the tires and muffler
      • 谢谢你。我会在试车时告诉老板这个价,就是不知能不能砍到4800。我还没有太仔细看轮胎,发动机声音好象还行。
        • I bought a maxima once, good price, except the tires cost 600 bux two weeks after the fact, so the tires, the tires, tire replacement hurts
          • I'll pay attention to that. Thanks a lot.