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  • 工作学习 / English / 先谢各位大虾! “环境行为心理学”如何翻译,中文的释意是:由某种环境下(强调环境),产生的一种“行为”的心理(如听到后面有声音后不由自主的转身行为心理)
    • didn't quite get it,but here's my shot ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
      • thanks ! 大虾赐教,按字面是否缺少了“行为”。中文的释意是:由“环境”导致“行为”的一种“心理”
        • see below, it's Behavioral Psychology, I recommand you to go study under Mike Ross, Prof of Psychology, Behavioral Psychologist, U of Waterloo
    • SHOOT, I got it, it's Behavioral Psychology
      • 佩服啊,连续作战10几个钟头,领导你累不累啊.
        • I am working on my book, want to buy a thousand copies?
          • 制造虚假的销量,我shopping,你买单,好主意
            • Please buy at least one copy, it's a good read, can double as pillow or weapon
              • 可以,我买的那本就不必印内容了,有个封面放在书架上就可以了,你也可以省点印刷费.什么时候可以刷卡?
                • "Tax Defenses of Canadian Owner-Managed Business", it's gonna be a good book, you can use it as the Anti-Shock resistant at the bottom of your printer, or it doubles as a door stopper
                  • sounds good, hurry up, hope to see it soon.