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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 剛收到驗眼睛的報告, 情況很糟, 請各路英雄推薦一家好的又便宜的配眼鏡店子, 非常感謝
    • 太古里面很多. $120-180, everything included.
      • TANK CHILL
    • 加拿大眼镜好贵,我刚配了一副很普通的再加一副墨镜,竟然也要500多.可能中国人店要便宜一点.
      • really? either you chose nikon5 for serious myopia or your frame is designed by most famous designers, hehe.
    • D&G frame with those fancy lences CAD330.
      • Thank you, though it would be a greater help if one can be offered a shop location
        • It is at the second floor of the Chinese Mall at Steels and Kennedy. Will give you their Chinese name later today.
          • Tank Chill, That thingy, the Pacific Mall is like a maze, I would really appreciate the if you can provide me name of the shop you are recommanding
      • I spent a ridiculous amount on a pair of Armani when I was young and careless, thus I plan to reuse the frame and purchase lenses only....help ar
        • Armani frame is jewellery actually. That must be very cool.
          • Any men who has a mortgage to pay for or a family to support shall not attempt to associate oneself with such items
          • jewellery can be priced as low as 100 bucks, hehe.
            • it is an A-R-M-A-N-I.
    • 为什么不做激光手术? 还有谁知道国内和这里做的分别. ? 国内便宜.但可靠不?眼睛可是命根.
      • 激光手术的历史还比较短,不知道过几十年会不会有副作用,好象会对夜视有影响.不是很想做的不一定要做.在加拿大做这种手术好象要3000块左右,不敢确定.
        • 这些我都知道. 不过有钱后还是要做. 呵呵. 温哥华大概2000多. 是tiger wood 也去做过的连锁公司. 野鸡的应该便宜点.有个留学生在国内做.3年前四川做的.便宜至少一半.说没夜视问题.有1.0/0.9视力.自己很满意.
      • it's 600 per eye with my ICAO membership, though I have astigmatism, laser eye surgery is primarily for nearsightedness