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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问大虾,温哥华VB Senior developer的薪水范围是多少?下周面食可能会问到,I am a new comer. Thank you!
    • 你可以回答:Sorry, I'm new to here and I have not clear idea about the average salary, but I think a little bit lower that it will be acceptable, would you please give a reasonable amount first?
      • what if the hiring manager ask you, "tell me your bottom line!" ?
    • 告诉他们,我刚来,不知道这里的行情,但是如果你实在要问的话,我只能告诉你我认识的和我有类似资历的朋友的年薪是XXXXX(比如70K或者什么其他数目,建议说50K,因为现在情况是僧多粥少)。