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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 我是一个学生,现在想办一张信用卡。刚才我查了一下TD BANK, 发现有四种student card,而且有些方面不是很清楚,请专家们帮助我,非常谢谢!
    1,四种卡: green card,GM card,Harley-Davidson card,Wal-mart card.哪一种比较好,或者说比较实用。
    • 1, GREEN; 2, No fees; 3, Goto http://www.visa.com/ to look for consumer tips; 4, Goto http://www.tdcanadatrust.com/
    • GM card
      GM card will be good becasue some day in the future you are going to buy a car.
      you don't need to pay fee everytime you use the card.
      as long as you pay the mini. payment on time, you don't have any problem.
      the interest on credit card it very high, so try to pay it on time.
      • is that only useful when you buy GM cars?
        • 对,你攒的点只能用在买GM的车是才能用.
    • I am afraid it's hard for you to get any one of them (since you don't have any credit history, and has no income). If that's the case, try deposit some money to get your card. It's a must have here.
      • No, student can get one easily.
    • 你还是没看TD的网站,你的问题上面都有。去branch也能找到小册子。学生很好申请visa,直接找个branch就行了。
    • 对于学生收入不高的人们,最好申请不交年费的信用卡,既节省钱又长信用. GM CARD: 无年费,如果你想买GM车的话,申请到这个卡后,你就有CAN$1000的DISCOUNT,而且你用了的钱有3%的回扣用来累积买车. 其他的卡我不大清楚.