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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 以前在国内的职位比较高,现在应聘较低的职位,要不要写出来?比方以前是director,manager,chief什么的要不要写出来?
    • 千万别写!!
      • 那就只能把我手下的工作写出来啦。唉!可能这里来了得从低做起,但是以后应聘高职位时在加拿大的较低的职位可能又不能写出来。。。
        • 如果不是大公司,是GM也没有用。
    • 找不同的工作,不同的写法。
    • 加拿大的公司好像不会招新移民来当经理什么的,要的是劳动力
      • why not? I made $120,000 in a canadian firm. Nothing is impossible. If it is impossible for you, it doesn't mean it is not possible for the other people
        • 你是新移民吗?来几年了。我还没听说过从中国大陆来的新移民找工作在找manager,director之类的。挣15万的都有,还是做技术的。
          • I found that job as a senior manager for corporate development in 4 months. I am not showing off. I just want to say that there shouldn't be a stereo type about Chinese immigrants. They can be managers or executives.
            • 你在美国做过多少年?还是直接从中国来的?
              • directly from China.
                • 能告诉你们公司的WEB SITE吗?是你自己的公司吗?
                  • sorry. It is not good to disclose too much information here. It is not my company. It was a Canadian firm with 200 employees. Please don't misunderstand me. I just want to say, everything is possible
                    • 别理他们,我相信你!不知为什么总有那么些人自己吃不着葡萄,还那么肯定人家吃的一定是酸的。
                    • 我有一个朋友也是Landing 之后一个月内就找到一份不错的工作,三个月提升为TEAM LEADER。 这除了本身的实力,机遇也很重要。
                  • Also as a new immigrant from China, it is not easy to get management position, we have lots of things to catch up. But we are smart and work hard, there is nothing we cannot achieve if we are determined
            • hi, friend. can you tell me what your background was when you were in China and what your main responsibilities are as a senior manager for corporate development? and what type of company is that?
              • what is the reason that you want to know the details? If you think I brag, I don't need to prove otherwise, do I?
                • 老兄,您总得说点什么,不然就像“你知道的话就不用告诉你,你不懂告诉你也没有用”一样啦
              • ok, to answer your second question, my responsibilities as a senior manager for corporate development included strategic planning, business development, capital structuring and investor relationship development.
                • 你通过猎头还是中介找的工作?
                  • myself. I was promoted from lower position within the company. In anther word, I grew with the company
                    • 好样的
                    • 那你一开始的简历有没有写你从事过的较高职位?
                      • It depends what position you apply for. It is ok to be a little bit "over qualified", but not too much. Yes, I did include my previous positions, I told them I didn't mind getting a lower position, because
                        I wanted to know the business