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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / My wife wants to be a teacher after landing in Toronto, is there anyone can give me some related information? Thanks a lot.
    • 从Rolia的历史记录看,做公立学校的教师似乎很难:英语和认证。
      • thanks. how about in private schools?
        • Same problems. Probably even more difficult.
          • thanks. can you tell me how to get 认证? by taking some special courses in universities?
            • That's right. And you also need to pass some kind of tests. Unfortunately I don't have too many details about this.
          • There is hope monn, my friend whom I while working as a waiter, just got a full time job teachering english in a private school. He started as a parttimer and did "course" contracts.
            The man I know is Romanian, Master of education, has ontario teacher certificate and fluent.

            It might take a bit of time but teachering is lucrative ar
    • 想知道更多,看进来。
      告诉你一个最新的信息:这里报读YORK和UTO EDUCATION专业的录取比例是7000人取400人。变成一个比计算机更热门的行业,因为大家都知道多伦多在未来的10-20年里教师是一个大缺口,50%退休率。但问题在于这是一个几乎由白人垄断的行业,和你竞争的是他们的语言能力和文化背景。

      我现在念的EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION都是这样,更不用提做小学或中学的老师。文化背景差异太大,付出十倍的努力得到的可能只是一倍的收获。想清楚能平衡自己以后再入门吧!