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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 买了新车,在磨合期应该注意些什么?谢谢!
    • do not drive on high way when your car still below 1000 kilometer. the dealer guy told me this. by the way how many kilometers of your car when you got it?
      • Yes, you can drive on hwy..but make sure the RPM is below 3000. Dont accelerate in a sudden which will cause high RPM. Dont press brake in a sudden either. That's all for your first 1000 KM
        • really? why you won't say this earlier? oh my new car.....
    • 使劲的往很里造. 俗话讲:新鞋不踩不经脏.
    • 新车不能开太狠,说明书上这么写的。
    • check your manual,我的车的手册上就写清楚了墨盒期要注意些什么的。大概在应该用什么油的段落附近。
    • Which brand?
      • Potiac Sunfire GT
    • don't drive in one speed, change speed. don't do park , back drive a lot