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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 本人找到在卡尔加里的一份程序员工作(55k),不知道应不应该去?
    • 去!为什么不去?搬家嘛,找搬家公司!
      • 搬家公司送到卡尔加里,加上两夫妻,要多少钱?切切的问?
        • Can you drive? If yes, you could rent a VAN at Toronto, and return it at Calgary. Find a Chinese newspaper, and make several calls.
        • 不知道!但是55K:0你总知道吧?
    • Ask the employer whether they will pay for your relocation. Fly to Calgary with some luggage, and ship the rest by moving company.
    • If this is your first Canadian job, don't go. 55k is too cheap. New grads price. And it'll more or less set your price for the next few years to come...
      • 在这个时候能找到55K的工作就不错了,你想要多高?
        • I started with 70k 5 years ago, what do you think I'm getting? :)
          • that's 5 years ago. things changed a lot since then.
      • So, if 55K is too cheap. How much do you think an IT engineer like me who has 10 years experience can expect?
        I have good background, last five years worked for large world famous companies. My English is not so bad. Dumn, I got only 40K. Some of my former colleagues even can not find a job in Toronto. The market is different now. I think you'd better accept 55k. It is good.
        • It's called DOE or DOM. Depending on what kind of experience and the market for your particular skills.
          • Actually, I am new landed immigrant.
            Unfortunitely, I missed best market time in North American. I worked for large famous US and Europe companies in Beijing. I do not have Canadian experience. But, you may notice that it is REALLY hard to find a job in Canada recently. I think 55K is good enough right now. A lot of IT employees were laid off. So, even my salary is not very good. I am happy that I can find a job at this time.
        • Let's see...
          Assuming you're a good employee, at least in your boss' eyes. 5 years ago, the market price was about 60K for a 5 year veteran, and assuming you didn't do like every else did, you stick to one good company like Nortel, each year the raise would then be about 5 %, so your now making (1.05)^5 * 60,000 = 77,000. That's actually a little low if you're in some good hot business like professional services... but for nortel, that's probably it.
        • Sorry, your English is not so good.
          • What I said is not so bad, of course I am not so good.
      • salary should not be called cheap. a high salary or a low. fish or meat can be cheap. you don't know that even stayed 5 years in NA?
    • 灰狗可能没有行李限制。
    • 搬家的费用可以扣税,一切收据留好。
    • 有人辞官归故里,有人星夜赴考场,这年头,55K还问去不去,yellow说的对,就是55K:0的问题。至于5年前70K那哥们,搞不懂他5年前拿70K,和人家新移民小夫妻55K去卡城有甚么关系?
    • 如果一个多伦多的大公司给我一个55k的合同工?我是做还是去卡城?
      • 做! If u like toronto.
      • 很容易:多伦多房子价格和卡尔加里一比,去哪还不清楚了吗。都是一样的房子,如果不是拿来炒,当然是少付钱的好了。至于工作机会哪里更多,如果你短期内不想跳槽,可以忽略。
        • 合同工的工资如果没有到固定工的两倍,实际上都不是太值得,因为它没有其他福利,比如CPP,EI,还要考虑合同期满后可能的失业期。。
          • What's CPP ? What's EI ? Thank you in advance .
          • CPP和EI不都是自己交的么?
    • 不来的话就介绍我去做吧,我现在就在卡
    • 坐灰狗去,大概需55个小时,这样一来你可以领略加拿大的打好河山。每人可带3件行李,超过3件,每件加收5刀,车费大约130刀每人。
    • 去. 工资不算低. 楼上那位嫌工资低的在扯蛋. 建议你有空再看一次白雪红尘, 好好珍惜这份工作.