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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 我在国内做网管,管理近两百台电脑,使用NT,没用过Unix,通过了MCSE,不知道到了加拿大能做什么,收入如何?
    • MCSE does not help you much.
      There are so many people holding such certificates. If you are lucky, if you can demonstrate your networking experiences before the employer, you may get a job in some small companies. To do networking job, you must have very good commuincation skills. Anyway, your job hunting will be constrained because you don't have experiences on Unix. Don't feel discouraged. You will have some opportunities if you are persistant...
      • Thanks, 我想我应该加强Unix和英语的学习。在加拿大用NT的公司难道比用Unix的公司少吗?
        • I think most of people in IT companies know NT
        • Everybody know NT, MCSD,MCDBA is most useful certificate here in Canada even in States. But, actually, it is depending on your experience is solid or not, rest of them is the LANGUAGE.
    • MCSE这玩艺确实烂到没人理的地步了~~~偶的意思是,它对于有些职位确实是必备的,但它可一点都不会增加个人竞争力.


      • MCSE2000也一样没用吗?
        • I think it is the same thing as MCSE. Don't think you can get a job simply because you have some certificates.
    • 任何情况下软件都比硬件要好找工作。