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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Bruce Penninsula National Park, Ontario - is it worth visiting/camping? Thanks. (I'm impressed by a picture with cliffs and wave)
    • Wow, I gonna be a pioneer.
      • 在哪啊?不远的话咱明天去?
        • About 350km NW of Toronto.
          • If you wanna visit it? I am really interested in it.
            • Thank you! Lemondy. I've booked room in a motel for Sunday. Maybe next time, You can join me.
    • Unforgetable experience - there is no my favorite restaurant, there is no my favorite music, However, there are...
      - Crystal clear/blue untouched water;

      - The longest hiking trail, either soft or rocky;

      - Big fishes jumping from the river feet away;

      - People jumped into the beautiful Georgian Bay from high cliffs;

      - Tons of ladybuys, butterflies,dragonfly and birds;

      - Many Apple orchards;

      - "Diving Capital" in Canada;

      - Sound of waves hitting shoreline, wind blowing at tip of trees.