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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 寻摄影爱好者共同进行艺术创作! 本人业余爱好摄影二十年,啥也没学会,只会用P档,想联系在多伦多的影友,向你请教并一同外出创作(先把起点拔高).本人胶片相机是CANON EOS5,24-85&75-300IS. 刚购得一OLYMPUS 3000z数码相机+128M SM.
    • 你的数码相机详细介绍一下,多少银子?
      • Here is a webpage about Olympus 3030z(almost the same as 3000z) and comparison with Nikon 990 and Canon G1. USD475.
    • There's a photography club in public library on Don Mills/Lawrance. They have meeting once a month there
      • could you give me more information?time?website? thanks!