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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / question about around rpm
    How much is normal value of rpm, if I drive at 50km/h on not so crowded city street(such like burnaby). Thanks for your information.
    • 我的:2000rpm=>60~70km/h, 3000rpm=>120km/h. 一般是2000~3000rpm.
      • yes, me too, I always try to keep it between 2000-3000. but I drive quite slow, between 40-50.
    • 取决于你车变速箱的变速比,目前的档位,可能50km时在两个档位的临界点,上下一个档转速差别很大
      • i use auto, and i always put it on D. I am new driver, thx for ur help.
        I find I somsume gas a lot. my new car is supposed to use 8L on street and 6L on highway,but I used 25L for my forst 140km.any suggestion?
        • 耗油量和驾驶习惯有很大关系,不过25升跑140公里有点差的太远了,确定是用了25升油?有时油表指示中间但实际不一定只剩半箱油。
    • 我的车一般匀速行驶时转速接近2000,加速时在3500至5500转