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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 最近几天,似乎对于批评和赞扬谈论得态度了,甚至搬出了ROLIA和北电,不免有点小题大作。
    • 其实承认与否这反映了国人的整体平均素质水平. 喜欢批评攻击别人. EGG第一美国之行写下两段文字至于被讥笑傻帽吗? 过去多少帖子骂人蠢笨. 就这样的素质一代两代改不过来
      • 承认。
      • 又上纲上线!他能写出很烂的文章,别人就有权力表达内心的感受。以前你看电影没骂过谁谁演的不好?情节如何如何差?受众难道只有听和夸他的权力,没有批评的权力?接受批评怎么这么难?
        • Everyone has the right to criticize. However, please only post your criticism with POLITENESS and RESPECT to others.
          Please treate other visitors on rolia.com as your good friends. You always be polite and respect to your friends, right? You receive criticism from your friends, and you expect the words come sincerely, not personal attacking, no dirty words, right?

          The meaning of words may be correct and valuable, but if you choose a bad way to express it, I'm sure the real meaning should not get through. People tend to accept ideas coming in good manner.
          • 请教一下斑竹,你是否能保证删贴的公正性?你能保证没有任何私人感情搀杂在里面?到底什么是你所谓的politeness
            • Please send me your email address.
              I do not discuss such topic in this forum publicly. Thanks.
              • why?This is a open topic and I believe many people want to know.
            • of course he can not, but i am sure he will try his best, you have to follow the rules, if those rules are not properly let 's discuss that, before any change been made, follow the rules is a only choose!
              • I always and of course will obey the rules, just curious about it.