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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 进程通报:终于拿到了LP.快恭喜我!
    99.6 submiss ion Hk
    99.11 notification of possible interview within 11 months
    at the same time TOEFL and GRE ,
    00.9 got student authorization from BJ and wrote a letter to HK asking interview waiver
    00.9 HK office acceded my request but stupidly required me taking IELTS in China! although my T and G were pretty good(637, 2280)
    00.10 came back to China taking IELTS and then back to Vancouver to continue my grad study
    00.11 sadly knew I only got 6.5 for IELTS
    01.1 interview waiver letter and ME --- I guess, because I never got this letter
    01.5 ME reminder
    01.6 ME forms again
    01.6.20 ME
    01.9.3 Landing Paper received
    After 27 months hard waiting.
    I am not happy at all.
    • congratulations! No.1!!!!
      • xiexie!
    • Congrats. Not No.1
      • xiexie... hehehe...
    • 夷 ,你的情况是经典的先申请移民,后申请读书签证,带有移民倾向的学生签证居然先批了,不错
      • yes, Actually I was pretty nervous when I appied student visa. And I consulted an agent they told me not applying student visa util my immi case. Fortunately i didn't accept their stupid advice.
      • 他不是拿的LP吗?不是学生签证吧?不过他的TG确实很不错。申请美国的好学校也足够。
        • 俺来的时候拿的是S.A, LP 前天才收到. 我以为,他们反对的是非法的移民倾向.俺当时申请学生签证之前仔细揣摩了敌人公布的政策.
          • 没看仔细,抱歉。不过你真好样的!就像这样对付敌人。我想你学习,争取研究透这里的金融,税务,法律,市场,唉!难哦~~~
    • any way congratulation!
      • 谢了
    • Congrats, you are a child of fortune favorite ! Congrats !!!!
      • Actually I was not so lucky. You know why I chose a Canidian Uni as my graduate school was that I was waiting for immi application. The past year's waiting was really really tough.