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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / Servlet: 1... Does IIS3.0 support Servlet? If so, what else software do I need? 2... Do me a favor, what's the URI? 3... Tomcat, which folder should I locat my Servlet file for running? tks.
    • save your files in \tomcat\webapps\, resin 1.2.1(www.caucho.com)support jsp and servelet which run smoothly on IIS.
    • Some answers
      1). IIS is Microsoft stuff and it does not support servlet and Jsp;

      2) URI means Universal Resourse Identifier.
      If you see "http://www.xyz.com/eshop/servlet/chatroom?name=John", "eshop/servlet/chatroom" will be URI.

      3) Simply speaking, you should put all things under C:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\. For such things, you should study Tomcat documentation.
      • Thank you. I uninstalled the IIS and downloaded Apache for Windows.
        • To run servlet and Jsp on IIS, we need JRun engin for IIS, from www.jrun.com
    • If you want to understand URI in detail, please read RFC1630. I don't suggest you read it. Simply to say, URL is a subset of URI.