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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / COM组件技术高手请执教。初学者勿进。我用VC开发COM组件以应用在网站上。问题是,如果一个object下仅有一个interface(如CFirstobject 有IFirst interface),一切好办。但是
    如果有多个Interface, 如IFirstFirst, IFirstSecond, IFirstThird....., 那末如何在ASP中去访问呢?其实我的项目用不到这样做,握紧是与大家讨论一下。我市了一下,没有成功。望高手赐教!
    • 没人明白?还是我没说清楚?
    • up!
      • up again!
    • asp only can access automatic interface.----Faint, Catel goal 1:0 ....
      • 您是说在asp中仅能访问到这个class的缺省interface,其它interface却不能访问。我仅是感觉是如此,只是没有资料证实。
    • did you try using different ID? like
      <OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Application ID=iFirst PROGID="FirstInterface.1"></OBJECT>

      <OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Application ID=iSecond PROGID="SecondInterface.1"></OBJECT>
      • Thank for your reply. 但是,你给的荔枝里,用了两个不同的progid,对吗?这样就不是一个object 的interface了。在register 表中,对于一个progid对应一个class(in-the-process),
    • 你现在哪里?我以前非常仓促地用ATL做过COM组件,现在想重新系统地学习一下,以应付面试。希望和大家多多讨论。我用VC++,对ASP不熟悉,学习ASP有什么好的开发环境吗?
      • hi, COM技术是windows操作系统的核心,可以说只有明白了COM技术,才真正懂得如何在windows下编程。同时,C++下COM编程也是C++programmer必备的技术。我有一个们,去面食UNIX C++时,老板问他如何在UNIX下实现COM.
        • YOU ARE difintely wrong, COM has nothing to do with windows programming, before COM, ppl did a lot of implememtation with only c/api in the windows programming fields,
          by the way, COM is mainly for windows plateform, i never see any COM implemention under unix/linx, though some articles also refer to that.
          asp only support automation, thats the default interface of the components, but not for the customer interface. also you never master asp in a week, maybe you can remember part of syntax. for the latest asp.net, itself worth a 1000-page book to explain.
          take care buddie!
          • 你说的不对。当今3大组件标准是什么?COM规范其实是windows操作系统一直遵循的标准。自要准寻了COM标准,C or C++ 语言无所谓。windows作为一个成功的大型程序,COM起到了关键的作用。


            最后,ASP.net我不明白。我学习ASP确实仅用了1星期,在工作中从来没有遇到过麻烦。ASP.NET 与ASP有什么大区别?

      • MS Interdev is OK for ASP development. ASP is easy, if you have some internet programming experience in other language. I bet you can master ASP in 1 week. By the way, I am in Toronto.
        • 谢谢,我回头试试。不过,你上面说得有点偏激,我从VC++1.0就开始写Windows程序了,可那时候并没有COM啊,我学Windows编程花了半年时间,而COM几天就差不多了,但是大多数细节用了就忘。
          • ar ??? learning COM in a couple of days?? ! Gao Shou !
            • 哈哈,我说大话了,不好意思,因为我看了一半就看不下去了,太枯燥,直接用ATL将就着实现了就再也没碰过,没想到这边这么认这玩意。不过,看几天确实就可以实际应用了,内部实现机制只是OO惯用的驴倒圈的把戏,我看没必要细抠