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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 今天真是个倒霉的日子,碰到两件很不开心的事~~~~
    第一: 下午去坐车,上车时人很多,我就排在队尾,没想到刚轮到我上时,车门一下子关上了,我的一半被夹在车上,车子就这样启动了。司机最后当然看见了我,我也上了车,可让人生气的是,司机连一声sorry也不说。还教训我说不应该在车门关上的时候上车。当时我被夹得很疼,加上俺英语说得不是很遛,气得说不出话来。

    第二,晚上去倒垃圾,在过道上碰见一个印巴人,他跟我打招呼,我想大家都是邻居,就也跟他打了一下招呼,我们很简单的聊了两句,我往回走时,他说:nice to meet you. 跟着就伸出手跟我握手,没想到他使劲捏着我的手,还摸着我的手,我当时一下摔开了他的手,什么也没说就走了。可是我回到家越想越生气,越想越恶心。

    • 两件事你处理的都很好。1、英语不流利,没法跟司机讲理,就只能算了。小事一庄。2、也许有些人以为那是礼貌,我觉得那种人有病。甩开他就对了,不用再多说什么,免得让他得意。
      • 谢谢rollar, 我总觉得自己太懦弱了。
        • 弱小不是缺点。自然选择的规律是适者生存,而不是强者生存。知道自己的弱点并善用之,最终你是胜利者。
    • 学两句骂人的话,下次碰到这样的事情就大声的骂出来 :P
      • 有什么比较精彩的骂人的话吗?最好能有针对性。而且我觉得别人没说什么难听的话,我开口骂人会不会显得粗鲁?
        • Foget it. keep yourself safety. It's most important!
        • 骂人的话不是专门学来的,除非你习惯骂人。不会骂人的人骂的很可能不合时宜。弱者的求生之道是以退为进,明哲保身。如果你没损失什么,就算了。如果你有损失,通过正式渠道解决。
      • 是啊,不能什么都忍,到了这里,要当这是自己的国家,对让自己生气的事,要会complain,不要太nice
    • Take it easy, friend. 生活本来就是有快乐,有烦恼,睡一觉,明天又是很好的蓝天了。
      如果我是你,在上车后,我会告诉司机“You should be careful next time. I was getting hurt”. 如果他态度还好,就算了. 如果态度不好,就告诉他,“I was hurt! You should apologize, otherwise, I'll complain you.”

      第二件事,如果你认为已经到了伤害的地步,直接告诉他,“Stop. I don't like that.”

      Again, be a happy girl. Bless you.
      • still too civilized
      • Thank you. Your suggestion is very good. Anyway, tomorrow will be a new day. : )
        • BTW, if you are living here along, remember, YOU MUST BE STRONG!
    • our chinese jjmm are usually well-mannered, but that dosnt mean u cant use the f***king word, which is absolutely useful---when facing such scum, u must use coarse language, for case 1--
      what the f***king have u done? u should say sorry to me
      for case 2--you bastard (indies, pakies)

      I am serious
      • 不仅JJMM,我也用不出这样的词。骂人者的粗鲁无礼只能显示其自己的愚蠢,回骂只能让我受到更大的伤害。行车途中有人向我伸手指头时,我总在心里说:让真主原谅他们吧,他们是一时的鬼迷心窍而已。
        • not at all, they work damn well, having an impacting effect
        • are you a christian, roller?
        • 这样忍气吞声,回家想想还是生气。
      • 你第一句话是什么意思?其实在国内骂也就骂了,在这儿很多时候在做什么或说什么之前,总会想会不会给咱中国人丢脸。而且由于文化差异,有时候掌握不好度的问题。
        • this is not 骂, just cursing, I swear, a cursing word from our Chinese jjmm mouth (while necessary) will have a deterring effect on those offenders, don't you usually feel better after a string of words @##^% ?
    • 我出个馊主意:对着镜子练习轻蔑地微笑,下次用你漂亮的大眼睛告述他:'你是个人渣!' 局外人还觉得你特别的elegant.
    • If i were you,
      1. come on, man. it's not my fault. You still have lots of space on your bus, why can't i get on?

      2. Be careful, u will get into trouble next time.
      Now, give me an apology and i will give u my finger.
      (then show him your middle-finger)

      then it's done. :-)
    • As a lady, you don't need to shake hand with a man if you're not willing. Normally it's impolite for a man to give his hand first.
      • But I can't tell if he is friendly or not. Everything seemed OK before he did that. I was afraid to embarass him if I refused to offer my hand.
        • Show him a smile with your unexpectable feeling.
          • Thank you, feifei. By the way, what is BTW?
            • You got it already. It is exactly "By the way". It's time to sleep. Everything will be refreshed after having a nice dream.